Friday, September 18, 2009


If you want great and early spring flowers you must plant bulbs NOW!

Crocus, tulips, daffodils, et. al. are the harbengers of spring. To get yourself out of the winter doldrums, plant for the future. Plant spring now.

Many spring bulbs begin to bloom in late February. With a little bit of planning you can have a sequence of bloom from late winter to early summer. Visit your local nursery or go online (Google spring bulbs) to see a large selection with numerous bloom times.

On a personal note: If you have a very shady area with trees that loose their leaves, you need to plant bulbs. It took me a long time to figure this out, but I finally did. Since these trees don't fully leaf out until about the first of May, I had a lot of time to grow flowers. It was full sun folks. Early bulbs were the answer. My bulb collection began blooming in mid Feburary and didn't stop until mid-April. I planted hundreds of bulbs a year and had a wonderful early garden.

Planting Tips: Toss your blubs. Never place them in a row. It will not look natural. When doing a grouping of different sizes and heights, place the tall in back and the small in front. ALWAYS use odd numbers and plant in triangles. This is alway good design.

Planting bulbs: Bulbs are always planted to a depth three times their width. What that means is... if you have a bulb that is one inch thick, you plant it three inches deep. To plant multipule bulbs the same size, use a shovel. To plant multipule bulbs of different sizes, plant on several levels. The larger the deeper. It's simple. Don't over think it.

How do I know which way to plant it? Is it upside down? Bulbs alway have a 'nose' and a 'flat bottom'. You alway plant a bulb with its nose pointing up like a snob. The flat 'bottom' (or ass) is where the roots come out.

Have fun and don't worry! Mother nature take care of us all!

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