Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cattleya Orchid Care

Cattleya Orchid (Corsage Orchid)

Catts are high light orchids. So they can get rather large for a windowsill, but you can find dwarfs these days. These ladies, are the orchids you wore to the prom...if you can remember it. A western or southern window is best and you must protect your orchid from burning in the direct sun of summer with a sheer or open blinds.

Feed you catt 3 out of 4 waterings with an orchid fertilizer.

Catts have large pseudobulbs, the swellings at the bottom of the plant, so they are very drought tolerant. Plant your catt in well draining bark. In winter the cattleya must be kept dry. Water only every two weeks...even if it's in bloom. Once you see growth in the spring, up your watering schedule to once a week. To bring your catt into bloom you must have the proper light and cool evening temperatures. Many cattleyas are fragrant.

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