Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Butterfly Identification 1

The Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Dill: The host plant for the Tiger Swallowtail

Grow in full sun from seed. Use in salads, dressings, egg dishes and pickle recipies. The seeds can also be used.

The eggs look like little white drops of water. The caterpillars start out very small, but grow quickly. They can eat an entire plant to the ground, so plant tons.

Butterfly Bush: Nectar plant

I know the butterfly bush is on many invasive plant lists, but I have to have it in my garden. It's too important a food source. Just don't let it go to seed and you should be alright.

To keep your bush under control, cut it back to a foot tall in the spring and when you go to deadhead it (removing spent blossoms for reblooming) take it back by 1/3 instead of deadheading each flower. This keeps the shrub compact and undercontrol. I usually have to do this 2 to 3 times a season.

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