Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fall Perennial Garden Clean Up

Since I am big on wildlife, especially birds and butterflies in my garden, I don't do much fall clean up. I leave all the flowers to go to seed for mother nature to scatter and give me suprise seedlings in the spring I can transplant or leave be.

Many birds including my favorite...finches, love the seed from flowers. Coneflower seed is a favorite of all finches. Leaving all this litter will help the animals forage throughout the winter and will also give them cover from preditors. For toads, salamanders, snakes, this gives them a place to hybernate. For insect such as praying mantis and butterflies, a place to lay their eggs until spring.

By cleaning up in spring instead of fall, you invite wildlife into your garden. Don't forget to hang a birdfeeder or two and sit out some water.

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