Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Ideal Butterfly Garden

The Ideal Butterfly Garden

The ideal butterfly garden should include one or more of the following things...

Host plants (plants the caterpillars eat) and nectar plants (plants from which adult butterflies feed).

A fruit tree is another good thing to include because many butterflies like to drink fermented fruit. A drunken butterfly is a happy butterfly.

Small flat rocks provide a place for our winged friends to sun themselves in the mornings, while logs or brush piles provide shelter from predators and a place where they may hybernate.

Butterflies (especially males) love a good mudpuddle, though I've never seen them make a pie. They drink minerals and salts from them. Butterflies also drink water, but need a perch. A few large stones in a shallow pan or saucer makes and ideal 'watering hole'.

Fruit feeders are another useful tool in attracting butterflies. Simply place your 'too ripe' fruit on a platform bird feeder and stand back. They will flock to the fruit...the uckier the better. Melon rinds and banana peels are also welcome. Some favorite butterfly fruits: apple, peach, banana, and melon. There are a number of butterflies that feed off tree sap (Monarch) as well as dung and carrion...but not in MY backyard!

Birdwatchers may have to travel the globe to pratice their hobby, but 'butterflyers' can watch from the comfort of their own gardens. I hope this inspires you to take on another hobby and...

Happy Gardening!

Cheers, Mark

PS: Never ever spray a butterfly garden, please.

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