Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Last of the Summer Veggie Garden

Frost is predicted tomorrow. What do I do with my remaining crop.

Don't sweat it. Harvest everything, and here's how you preserve it.

Tomatoes: Red or slightly red. Harvest and put them on the window sill. They'll ripen. Most tomatoes, unless you get them from the farmer's market will be picked green or slightly green...good for shipping.

To use your green tomatoes, pickle and can them or simply fry them in a pan with bacon grease breaded with flour or cornmeal. Yummy, but forget the diet.

Eggplant, zuchini, squash, snap beans can be frozen cooked or raw.

Cucumbers can be pickled and frozen or canned.

Herbs: perennial herbs such as thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, marjoram, etc...can be dried in bundles and used all winter long. Just keep them out of the sunlight.

Annual herbs such as fennel, dill, basil can be blended with a bit of water and frozen in ice trays. Store them in freezer bags and use them in sauces, stews and to finish garnish sauces.

If you've never canned before, don't fret. It's fun and fulfilling. USDA, Dept of Ag has a wonderful book on canning.

Links and recepies will be forth coming gang. This blog is new and I'm writing as fast as I can. Thanks, Mark

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